Business Resiliency

Disaster Recovery Design

Translate Your Business Continuity Strategy into Disaster Recovery Tactics

Disasters can happen to anyone, and they’re hard to predict. An organization that’s hit by a disaster can face financial crisis in the time it takes to restore critical business systems. Disaster recovery solutions help your organization establish a plan to restore those systems faster. Implementing a disaster recovery solution is a hurdle in itself. Designing a disaster recovery solution that’s comprehensive and resilient isn’t easy.

Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design Service helps organizations shape disaster recovery plans that are effective and reliable. Connection also helps your organization shape a governance plan with the goal of ensuring that your disaster recovery plan is regularly updated, so it continues to be effective over time.
Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design begins with an assessment of your current environment, including an inventory of your current IT applications and infrastructure. Connection then produces a Disaster Recovery Design Plan that takes into account your stakeholders’ needs, your infrastructure, and your unique operating environment. The plan also includes guidance on governance, so your organization has a strategy to maintain your Disaster Recovery Plan once it’s in place.

Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design helps your organization:

Ready to talk about Disaster Recovery Design?

Call a Connection expert today:
1.800.800.0014   Or send us a message and we’ll reach out to you.
Faster Disaster Recovery Implementation Through Smarter Design

Faster Disaster Recovery Implementation Through Smarter Design

Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design helps organizations avoid worst-case scenarios by ensuring you have:
  • A properly scoped disaster recovery plan that will meet your needs when an actual disaster strikes
  • A disaster recovery plan that is not overscoped and meets your budget
  • A disaster recovery plan that is governed correctly so it stays up to date
  • A clear disaster recovery solution implementation roadmap that will prevent lost time and money

What Is Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design?

Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design identifies every application and piece of infrastructure in your organization that’s critical to supporting your organization. After assessing your current solutions and available technology, Connection specialists will help you find solutions that will meet your disaster recovery needs without breaking your budget.

Companies with large IT investments (typically enterprises) have the most work to do when it comes to disaster recovery planning. But mid-market and small businesses need to consider their disaster recovery plans, too. Connection’s Disaster Recovery Services are a great fit for organizations of any size that need to minimize downtime.

What Is Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design?

Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design is conducted in three phrases:



Connection works with you to identify key personnel overseeing your business functions, in addition to gathering any documentation related to business continuity planning (including out-of-date business continuity documents, floor plans, and facility emergency plans). To better understand your facilities and personnel, Connection holds workshops with your stakeholders, focusing on existing mitigation, contingency, restoration, and emergency management processes and personnel. Connection finishes this phase by sharing one document with all gathered information and documentation with you.


Connection analyzes data gathered from the workshops and documentation. Connection also examines your organization’s regulatory, compliance, industry, and best practice requirements. Connection then produces a draft Business Continuity Plan.


Connection produces a final Business Continuity Plan, incorporating your feedback and delivering full findings and recommendations for: future emergency management processes, personnel, and communication methods; mitigation strategies; contingency strategies; restoration strategies; facility management plans; training plans; and testing processes and schedules. Connection can also deliver an on-site presentation.
Go Beyond Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

5 Steps to Business Resiliency

If disaster struck, would your business be prepared? Learn how to create a BR plan by accessing our FREE guide.

Business Resiliency with Connection

Business Resiliency with Connection

Connection’s Disaster Recovery Design is the first step to implementing a fully-fledged Disaster Recovery Strategy. But Disaster Recovery is only one part of the story. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery are better when they work together. Connection helps organizations look at the bigger picture by marrying both concepts as Business Resiliency.

Connection offers a variety of solutions to improve your organization’s Business Resiliency. Learn more about Business Resiliency and the different Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery services available.

Ready to talk about Disaster Recovery Design?
Call a Connection expert today.


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Share your email and a Connection Business Resiliency Expert will reach out to you during our business hours.

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Someone will reach out to you soon about your interest in Disaster Recovery Design.