Cybersecurity Solutions

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Zeroing in on Cybersecurity

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the perfect time to pause and take stock of your cybersecurity capabilities. The event, co-led by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA), raises awareness around digital security and staying safe online. New threats are popping up almost daily. At Connection, we help you zero in on your organization's ever-present attack entry points and the rise of new trends like zero-trust architecture.

Learn New Ways to Protect Your Data

Watch one of Connection’s on-demand cybersecurity roundtables to hear experts from your field discuss the topics you need to know for unlocking better threat management and remediation.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

We all play a critical role in safeguarding our organizations, employees, end users, and devices from cyber threats. This Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we hope you take full advantage of our resources to strengthen your cybersecurity program and raise security awareness for your employees, partners, and customers. Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.

Bookmark this page to explore new resources all month long!
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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Data Privacy and Security Management LinkedIn Live On‑demand

With a Q&A Hosted by Our Cybersecurity Expert
Data privacy and security have become the primary issues all businesses and organization face. Now is the time to build your cybersecurity strategy. Watch our LinkedIn Live event with Stephen Nardone—our Senior Director of Security and Network Solutions—to learn more.

The Threat Landscape

Malicious actors continue to grow in skill and sophistication—not to mention frequency of attacks. The good news is that many organizations recognize the threats and understand the importance of implementing multi-factor authentication, password managers, and automatic software updates. But as threats continue to evolve, so should your cybersecurity posture.

Developing an organized cybersecurity program that aligns with your resources, budget, compliance requirements, and technology stack can be challenging. Connection offers a Security Landscape Optimization report that helps your organization prioritize your ecosystem risk and provides guidance on how to move forward on the Zero-Trust path.

Stay Ahead of Cybersecurity Threats

Educate Your Employees

People are the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. Phishing, ransomware, and other cyberattacks are targeting your employees. Training is essential for frontline prevention.

Test Your Environment

Understand your internal and external risks, from the edge to wireless, and find those vulnerabilities. Engage with an expert third-party to conduct penetration testing and detection.

Have an Incident Response and Recovery Plan

By planning for a data breach, your organization can minimize the financial, reputational, and operational damage by having protocols in place.

Exploring Cyber Insurance? Key Things to Consider.

As lucrative data breaches—such as ransomware and phishing attacks—grow in frequency and severity, it’s not surprising that many organizations are turning to cyber insurance for protection. Cyber insurers know it’s a matter of when, and not if, a cyberattack will happen. Insurers want to protect themselves, too. If your organization is shopping for a policy, potential insurers will want to better understand your organization’s risk profile before providing coverage and will require documentation of your cybersecurity measures. This can include endpoint detection and response, patching, incident response, threat detection, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring protocols.

For organizations grappling with limited IT resources, looking to a partner—such as Connection—to provide those security services will help you maintain your cyber insurance coverage, while keeping your insurance premiums at bay.

Right-fit Cloud Solutions at Any Step of Your Journey

Cloud adoption has grown exponentially since the pandemic, but there is a common misconception that cloud solution providers (CSP) will protect organizations from cyberthreats. Although many CSPs offer a strong layer of security to protect their customers, many of the same vulnerabilities that exist in on-premise environments exist on the cloud as well. Securing your public cloud is a shared responsibility between your organization and your chosen CSP. Implementing right-fit configuration, managing legacy systems, and having the right cloud skillsets are required to maintain data security.

Whether you’re in the early researching phase of cloud environments, assessing which application workloads can be safely moved to the cloud, or considering which CSP would serve the best return on your investment, Connection’s cloud experts are here to help.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Partners

Juniper Networks
Microsoft Solutions Partner
Adlumin logo
Arctic Wolf

Cybersecurity Roundtable Series

Microsoft Technology Roundtable
The Challenges of Staying Ahead of Modern Cybersecurity Threats
As the digital domain faces new and more threatening challenges, defenders are being driven to innovate and collaborate more closely than ever. Cybersecurity is a defining challenge of our time. Organizations of every size across every industry around the globe feel the urgency and pressure of protecting and defending against increasingly sophisticated attacks.

Join Connection’s Cybersecurity Practice and Microsoft for a discussion on the evolving cyberthreat landscape, utilization of emergent technologies, and the importance of a collaborative defense to help your organization zero in on security. Discussion topics will include cyber hygiene, multi-factor authentication, zero-trust strategies, and artificial intelligence.

Stephen Nardone, Sr. Director of Security and Network Solutions, Connection
Jean-Francois Gilbert, Senior Security Technology Specialist, Microsoft


Manufacturing Cybersecurity
Know Your Manufacturing Cybersecurity Risk Baseline
Manufacturing is now the #1 most attacked industry.1 The threats are real, and unsecured devices and networks, lack of cyber awareness, and supply chain attacks only heighten the risk. These threats cannot be addressed with technology alone; building a strong policy base and cyber culture is critical.

Join Connection’s Manufacturing Practice, Professional Services experts, and Cisco to discuss imminent threats, cybersecurity program strategies, and technology that will shed light on today’s challenges and the direction manufacturing customers should be prepared to take.

Ryan Spurr, Manufacturing Strategy Director, Connection
Robert Di Girolamo, Practice Manager, Security & Network Solutions Center, Connection
Stephen Nardone, Sr. Director of Security and Network Solutions, Connection
Prithvi Manduva, Industrial IOT Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco


K-12 Education
Discover How to Build a Security Strategy that Makes the Grade
Education remains one of the most vulnerable areas to cybersecurity attacks, as schools, districts, and institutions struggle to maintain data privacy and security, as well as safe and secure access to technology and physical resources. The move to more flexible classroom environments, utilizing both on-premises and cloud applications, has many benefits for both educators and students, but it also opens schools up to more security threats. As educational organizations also must ensure they comply with PII, HIPAA, FERPA, COPPA, and other regulations, these security requirements can seem daunting.

Join experts from Connection’s education vertical and Professional Services, as well as representatives from Juniper Networks to discuss the threats facing education today, cybersecurity program strategies, technology solutions, and processes that can help your organization move forward with confidence.

Michael Bergt, Technical Marketing Engineer Senior Manager
Robert Kwiatkowski, Sr. Partner Systems Engineer (PSE), Juniper Networks
Timothy J. Allen, Director, Networking Practice, Connection
Pam Aulakh, Sr. K–12 Vertical Alliance Manager, Connection
Bobby Sears, Sr. Vertical Alliance Manager for Higher Education, Connection


Healthcare Cybersecurity
Deliver Better Patient Outcomes with a Secure, High-performance Network
A new Ponemon report showed the average total cost for the most expensive healthcare cyberattack experienced was $4.4 million, including $1.1 million in lost productivity.2 As healthcare executives look to protect their organizations from malicious attacks, the need for the right fit solutions is the key to success.

Join Connection’s Healthcare Practice, Professional Services experts, and Barracuda to discuss imminent threats, cybersecurity program strategies, and technology that will shed light on today’s challenges and the direction healthcare customers should be prepared to take.

Jennifer Johnson, Healthcare Strategy Director, Connection
Patrick Yount, Solutions Architect, Barracuda
Jenna Renaud, Director National Accounts, Barracuda


“Hi, I'm Pete. IT Superhero and one of Connection's favorite customers. For cybersecurity and handling today's threats, Connection always has my back. ”

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1 IBM, 2023, 2023 X-Force Threat Intelligence Index
2 Ponemon Institute, 2023, Cyber Insecurity in Healthcare: The Cost and Impact on Patient Safety and Care