If you haven’t heard, tape might be coming back into the public consciousness the same way that vinyl did. Tape may have died as a medium for music, but it has always lived on strong in the world of computing, ensuring that your data is backed up in case of a crash. What does tape do better than others you might ask?
It’s simple, tape is one of the best ways to store data for the long term. Hard drives and other digital forms of storage will eventually fragment or corrupt, or the services running the memory might fold over long periods of time. Meanwhile, tape drives will still be going strong. This makes them perfect for organizations that need to have a long memory or need to guarantee that they track everything for compliance purposes... . Outside of long-term storage, organizations with critical data that mustn’t ever be lost might want to consider tape as a separate backup medium to ensure they can’t lose it. If you think about it, having a disconnected tape drive securely stored away from your main systems is the ultimate air gap from ransomware and other attacks designed to hurt an organization’s bottom line.
So what should you consider when buying a tape drive? First of all, storage space—how much do you need to back up, and how often are you going to need to back it up? That will help determine the kind of drive that you will need to buy, as well as your storage system and environment for them. Another question to ask is whether your tape library will accommodate multiple types of tape drives. You may have legacy tapes that you need to rehome—or have to fill libraries with different drives down the line. Ensuring that your libraries are scalable is important to the long-term health of your data storage plans and ultimately your business.
It’s time to fall back in love with an old medium, whether it be a nice book on tape, or storing your critical data on tape.
If you’d like more information on how to choose a tape backup system, contact Connection today. We’d love to talk you through any questions you may have when looking to back up your critical systems. Our experts are only a call or click away from helping you ensure that your organization is more secure.