It would be an understatement to say that 3D printing has begun to change the world. It would be an even bigger understatement to say that 3D printing will only slightly impact how our businesses operate. Prototyping, democratizing production capabilities, and putting power in the hands of any organization or individual to make really cool stuff—we haven’t even begun to see the true power of 3D printers.

For users on the cutting edge of the 3D printing revolution, Connection hosts a wide variety of supplies to help you and your organization leverage new and amazing opportunities now available to you.

But the real question you should consider before you purchase any supplies is what kind of resin or filament do you need for specific projects? Prototyping and creating a fully functional and realized solution may require different kinds of materials that have vastly different properties.

For filaments, if you’re prototyping...

3D Printer Supply Brands
