Business Resiliency

Business Impact Analysis

Jumpstart Your Business Continuity Strategy

Every organization should have a Business Continuity Plan to make sure critical functions are preserved even in the event of a disaster. But does your organization know how to quantify its unique risks?
Connection’s Business Impact Analysis helps your organization take the first step to creating a Business Continuity Plan. In the Business Impact Analysis, Connection will identify your organization’s critical functions and exposure to risk. Connection then quantifies the potential impact of a variety of disaster scenarios on your organization. As part of the Business Impact Analysis, Connection also prepares information about which key functions you should restore soonest, based on its cost and importance in your organization.

These services are designed to help organizations:

Ready to talk about Business Impact Analysis?

Call a Connection expert today:
1.800.800.0014   Or send us a message and we’ll reach out to you.
Business Continuity Plan helps your organization better understand your processes and interdependencies, quantify your risk exposure, and reduce avoidable costs.
Prioritize and Plan for Critical Functions

Prioritize and Plan for Critical Functions

Connection’s Business Impact Analysis helps organizations avoid these worst‑case scenarios:
  • Non-existent, incomplete, or outdated documentation about the organization’s current operating environment
  • Lack of awareness around the financial impact of various disaster scenarios
  • Lost time in a disaster recovery effort due to lack of prioritization

What Is Connection’s Business Impact Analysis?

Connection’s Business Impact Analysis identifies every critical business function inside your organization. It can also identify the risks associated with each function, work site, or supporting system. Connection specialists then quantify the impact of potential disruptions according to your unique function and risk profile.

Enterprise companies have the most work to do because of the size of their IT investments, but mid-market and small businesses need to prepare for outages as well. Organizations that are legally required to maintain a minimum level of downtime can also greatly benefit from these services.

What Is Connection’s Business Impact Analysis?

Connection’s Business Impact Analysis is conducted in three phrases:



Connection works with you to identify key personnel overseeing your business functions. Connection then schedules stakeholder workshops and one-on-one interviews to determine critical business functions, critical sites, known risks, and vital systems and resources (both related and unrelated to IT). Connection also interviews your IT and facilities departments. In addition to the interviews and workshops, Connection conducts walkthroughs of your worksites and data centers. If you work with hosting providers, Connection will perform a remote inspection of their data center locations.


Connection analyzes feedback from the workshops, interviews, and walkthroughs to identify and rank your organization’s critical business functions and sites. Connection can also tie your risks to their potential impacts, keeping in mind regulatory, compliance, industry, and best practice requirements. Connection then produces a draft Business Impact Analysis report, quantifying the impact of your risks to your critical business success metrics.


Connection produces a final Business Impact Analysis report, incorporating your feedback and delivering full findings and recommendations. Connection can also deliver an on-site presentation.
Improve Your Business Resiliency with Connection

Improve Your Business Resiliency with Connection

Creating a Business Impact Analysis report is the first step to establishing a Business Continuity Plan—and establishing Business Continuity is the first step towards establishing Business Resiliency. Taking the time to establish a Business Continuity Plan helps your organization better understand your processes and interdependencies, quantify your risk exposure, and reduce avoidable costs.

Connection offers a variety of solutions to improve your organization’s Business Resiliency. Learn more about Business Resiliency and the different Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery services available.

Ready to talk about Business Impact Analysis?
Call a Connection expert today.


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Share your email and a Connection Business Resiliency Expert will reach out to you during our business hours.

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Someone will reach out to you soon about your interest in a Business Impact Analysis.