Business Resiliency

Business Continuity Services

Protect Your Operations Against Disaster

When disaster strikes, it’s already too late to try to identify the key processes your organization needs to continue your core operations. Connection’s Business Resiliency Services establish clear steps to protect business processes, equipment, and human resources. Business Continuity is the first step to establishing Business Resiliency. If your organization hasn’t yet identified critical functions, quantified the impact of a potential disruption, or created a plan to maintain minimum uptime requirements, these solutions are the place to start.

Connection’s Business Continuity Services are designed to help organizations:

  • Identify critical business functions and potential risks to processes, systems, or locations.
  • Quantify the potential impact of disruption to your key business functions.
  • Meet minimum uptime requirements.

Expert Guidance from Business Resiliency Specialists

Connection’s specialists have spent decades focused on understanding the business needs of organizations.
Build a More Resilient Business with Connection

Build a More Resilient Business with Connection

Business Continuity is the first step to establishing Business Resiliency. Taking the time to establish a business continuity plan helps companies better understand their processes and interdependencies, quantify their risk exposure, and reduce avoidable costs.

While Business Continuity Services include security assessments, the typical service scope does not include remediation of security issues. Connection does offer security services as a separate engagement. Please contact us for more information.
Disruption to IT infrastructure, networks, or facilities can bring any organization to a halt. And with Gartner1 estimating that the average cost of a minute of network downtime is $5,600, the cost of being disabled is too high for most businesses to survive.

Business Continuity Services

Business Continuity Planning
Business Continuity Planning
Form a roadmap to keep your organization going when disaster strikes. Connection will help you develop a plan to maintain minimum uptime requirements. Strategies are typically based on either mitigation (preventing outages through resilient system design) or contingency planning (managing outages as they occur). Connection also helps your organization craft a strategy for identifying and declaring a disaster, so you can execute the continuity strategy right away.
Business Impact Analysis
Business Impact Analysis
Take the first step to developing your organization’s resiliency. Connection works with you to identify critical business functions, learn about the unique risks around your work sites or processes, quantify the impact of a potential disruption, and gather information to develop business continuity policies and strategies.

Ready to talk about Business Continuity?
Call a Connection expert today.


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