Vinpower Aero Robotic 6-Drive Blu-ray DVD CD 660-Disc Autoloader

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Often those who need to duplicate larger volume of optical discs like CD, DVD, or Blu-ray discs are caught between the need for convenience and the added cost to achieve it. Well, the Aero series standalone autoloader duplicator is the answer. The Aero series is the perfect blend of capacity, speed, performance, reliability, and affordability. With the option to copy a single source or multiple sources using Vinpower Digital's useful multi-master recognition technology (MMRT) allows the user to make the exact number of copies required from a single master or multiple masters from a single setting. The Aero series allows the user the flexibility to work on other projects with the comfort in knowing that their duplication will be performed automatically with minimal interaction. When you're ready to make the next step from manual duplication to automated, the Aero series has a model perfect for your needs.