Storage Buying Guide: Find the Right Storage Solution to Meet Your Needs.

Kingston 2TB XS1000 USB 3.2 Gen 2 External Solid State Drive

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  • In Stock
  • Ships in 24-48 Hours

Color: Black Color: Black
Capacity: 2 TB Capacity: 2 TB

Say goodbye to bulk and hello to streamlined storage efficiency with the XS1000 External solid state drive!
Ordering Information
$76.03 (37%)

Kingston’s 2TB XS1000 USB 3.2 Gen 2 External Solid State Drive is an incredibly convenient file backup solution. Its sleek, compact form factor is designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, allowing you to carry it anywhere with ease. Don't let its size fool you – this tiny powerhouse boasts high transfer speeds, With its unrivaled convenience and impressive storage capabilities, the XS1000 is your reliable companion for hassle-free file backup, ensuring your important documents, cherished memories, and media files are always readily accessible.