Printer Buying Guide: Find the Right Printer to Meet Your Needs.

Zebra ZD421t-HC Healthcare DT 300dpi USB USB Host Ethernet Bluetooth LE 5.0 EZPL Printer w US Cord

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You need a reliable printer built for healthcare that delivers quality performance, now and for years to come. It needs key features, and be easy to setup, operate, manage and maintain - onsite or remotely. It needs to be secure to protect patient information, whether integrated onto your network or not, to prevent downtime and costly cyberattacks. You need it, and Zebra delivers it, for more than 50 years. Building on the legacy of Zebra's GK Series and ZD420 healthcare printers, the ZD421 delivers the flexibility and reliability you need, with even more capabilities and security, to set you up for years of use.