Storage Buying Guide: Find the Right Storage Solution to Meet Your Needs.
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The power of agility for home, SOHO and SMB NAS enclosures!
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Seagate's 16TB IronWolf SATA 6Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive is designed for everything NAS. With IronWolf get used to tough, ready and scalable 24×7 performance that can handle multi-drive environments with a wide range of capacities. Optimized for NAS with AgileArray, this drive built for dual-plane balancing and RAID optimization in multi-bay environments with the most advanced power management possible. Its multi-user technology enables user workload rates of 180TB/year. Multiple users can con\u001ffidently upload and download data to the NAS server, knowing it can handle the workload, whether you’re a creative professional or small business.