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Improve indoor health with the Beam, an autonomous upper room UVGI air disinfection system. Potentially contaminated air rises and passes through the zone of irradiation, where it is disinfected. Natural airflow then recirculates the disinfected air in the occupied space. Provide hospital-grade air disinfection by adding 10 eACH to your space, the equivalent of changing air in a room every 6 minutes. While typical buildings have 1-3 air changes per hour (ACH), hospitals are required to reach 6-20 ACH because of the high risk of infection. Improve your indoor health practices. Enhancing ventilation and disinfection protocols have been shown to increase employee productivity, student achievement, and reduce viral risk.

R-Zero's software platform, Connect, integrates data from all devices, extracts insights, and manages workflows. Location and operation of each device is recorded and can be shared in reports to key stakeholders.