Palo Alto PANDB URL filtering subscription 3-year prepaid, PA-820

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Fully integrated URL filtering database enables policy control over web browsing activity, complementing the policy-based application visibility and control that the Palo Alto Networks firewalls deliver.

Stand-alone URL filtering solutions are insufficient control mechanisms because they are easily bypassed with external proxies, circumventors and remote desktop access tools. Controlling user activity requires a multi-faceted approach that implements policies to control web activity and the applications that are commonly used to bypass traditional security mechanisms.

Palo Alto Networks' firewalls identify and control more than 800 applications, irrespective of port, protocol or SSL encryption or evasive characteristic. Once identified, the application identity, not the port or protocol, becomes the basis of all security policies, resulting in the restoration of application control. Acting as the perfect complement to policy-based application control is an on-box URL filtering database that provides control over non-work related web activity. By addressing the lack of visibility and control from both the application and web perspective, enterprises are safeguarded from a full spectrum of legal, regulatory, productivity and resource utilization risks.