Microsoft Corp. Select Plus Windows Server Device CAL License Only Level D

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The Windows Server 2003 licensing model requires a server license for each copy of the server software that is installed. Terminal Services functionality is included in this Windows Server 2003 license. In addition to a server license, a Windows Server 2003 CAL (Windows CAL) is required. If you want to conduct a Windows session, an incremental Terminal Server Client Access License (TS CAL) is required also. A Windows session is defined as a session where the server software hosts a graphical user interface (GUI) on a device. For Windows sessions, a TS CAL is required for each user or device. The following two types of TS CALs are available:
-TS Device CAL: A TS Device CAL permits one device (that is used by any user) to conduct Windows sessions on any of your terminal servers.
-TS User CAL: A TS User CAL permits one user (who uses any device) to conduct Windows sessions on any of your terminals servers.

You may decide to use a combination of TS Device CALs and TS User CALs at the same time. You can have a terminal server request TS User CALs (by selecting the Per User licensing option) or TS Device CALs (by selecting the Per Device licensing option [the default option]) but not both at the same time.