Storage Buying Guide: Find the Right Storage Solution to Meet Your Needs.
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Support for encryption on Ultrium 6 and Ultrium 5 tape cartridges!
Ordering Information
The IBM Half-High LTO-6 SAS 6Gb/s Tape Drive is a high-performance, high-capacity data-storage device that is designed to back up and restore open-systems applications. It offers native storage capacity of 2.5TB per cartridge (6.2TB at 2.5:1 compression) and a maximum native data transfer rate of up to 160 Mbps (400 Mbps compressed). This enterprise data protection offering has a 5.25” half-height internal form factor for integration into IBM System x tower servers or in external IBM 1U rackmount enclosures. It maintains the competitive total cost of ownership (TCO) of LTO tape storage.