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The PCI Express (PCIe) 3.0 LPe16000B Gen 5 Fibre Channel (16GFC) Host Bus Adapter (HBA) provides outstanding input/output operations per second (IOPS) performance—20% more than other Gen 5 HBAs, plus lightning fast response times and 4x better IOPS performance per watt making it the clear choice for the toughest virtualized, cloud and mission critical deployments. With almost 1.2 million IOPS on a single port, it is ideally suited for FC connectivity to solid state disks (SSDs) and new multi-core processors. Its advanced management functionality can shave days off installing and managing adapters. The LightPulse single-port LPe16000B and dual-port LPe16002B feature the Emulex bullet-proof driver-stack, backward compatibility to 4GFC and 8GFC HBAs and rocksolid reliability with a heritage that spans back to the first generation of Fibre Channel to today’s Gen 5 HBAs. Emulex is trusted by data centers the world-over, with more than 12 million HBA ports shipped and installed to date.