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ReSharper is created with the single purpose in mind: to increase the productivity of C# developers. It comes equipped with a rich set of features, such as intelligent coding assistance, on-the-fly error highlighting and quick error correction, unmatched support for code refactoring, and a whole lot more. ReSharper's tight integration with Visual Studio .NET provides quick and easy access to all of its advanced features right from the IDE.
ReSharper helps Visual Studio users continuous code quality analysis in C#, XAML, XML, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET MVC, instant fixes to eliminate errors and code smells, extend web development support with code inspections, code generation, navigation, and extends IntelliSense. It provides 40 solution-wide refactorings to safely change your code base, and 200+ code editing helpers, and navigation features to let you instantly traverse your whole solution.