Storage Buying Guide: Find the Right Storage Solution to Meet Your Needs.
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Does your data center, cloud, or high-performance computing (HPC) environment require increased storage capacity protection, flexibility, and performance for today's application demands? Data center, cloud, and HPC environments require large amounts of storage capacity, that provide the protection, flexibility, and performance that today's applications demand. HPE MR Gen10 Plus Controllers offer 12Gb/s SAS / SATA / PCIe (NVMe) Gen4 Tri-Mode support with 16 and 8 internal ports to address the needs by delivering more performance and RAID data protection for high-end server storage applications. These controllers are the first RAID adapters to offer PCIe Gen4 host and PCIe Gen4 storage interfaces which enables high bandwidth and more IOPS. Also, the Tri-Mode SerDes technology enables operation of NVMe, SAS, or SATA devices in a single drive bay operating in all modes concurrently, seamlessly negotiating between speeds and protocols.