Printer Buying Guide: Find the Right Printer to Meet Your Needs.

Epson SureColor T3770EDR 24" Large-Format Dual-Roll CAD Technical Printer

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  • In Stock
  • Ships in 24-48 Hours

Epson delivers a first-of-its-kind design that shatters expectations and redefines capability, versatility and efficiency for its class!
Ordering Information
With a compact footprint and all-front operation, the network-ready SureColor T3770EDR 24" Large-Format Dual-Roll CAD/Technical Printer fits where other printers don’t. It’s designed for outstanding quality, sharpness and speed, producing technical drawings at production-class speeds with A1/D-size prints in as little as 16 seconds. Its innovative six-ink set with dedicated Red Ink opens the door to an extraordinary color gamut for a production printer as well as rich red branding colors. And simple, carefree operation combined with high levels of media flexibility helps users do more using less space—all with a low total cost of ownership (TCO). Add it all up, and this is not just a one-of-a-kind printer—it’s the benchmark in high-speed CAD and graphics.