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Model IHVP IP loudspeaker from AtlasIED consists of a factory assembled horn loudspeaker/baffle with PCB amp/control board, securely mounted to the rear of the baffle via concealed weld studs. The amp/control board is capable of producing optimal RMS into the loudspeaker with minimum power, provided by IEEE 802.3 AF compliant POE switches. Interconnection is via a board mounted female RJ-45 connector.

The industry-standard loudspeaker, used in the IHVP, is a highly efficient compression driver with a proven record of outstanding service reliability. A double re-entrant design provides superior audibility of voice and tone signaling. The vandal-resistant, cast aluminum alloy baffle provides security and durability in commercial applications. A perforated stainless steel metal screen is provided over the loudspeaker to maximize protection and performance by allowing the optimum percentage of open area forward of the loudspeaker. The baffle is finished in neutral electrostatic powder coat.