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Office Technology Investments

Office Technology Investments

Top Office Technology Investments to Make a Big Impact in 2023

Six Tech Investments that Improve Operations

If talk of rising inflation and other economic uncertainties have you tightening your budget, you’re not alone. However, the latest data shows that over half of IT budgets are actually expected to grow in 2023—and much of that budget is going toward spending designed to make a significant impact on companies’ operations and bottom line.

There’s an important lesson here. The way to weather uncertainty isn’t to stop all spending—it’s ensuring that each office technology investment that you make is going to have a major impact on your business’s ability to thrive during the year ahead.

Here’s a closer look at the top six office technology investments that will make a big impact in 2023.
Productivity Equipment

Get More Done with the Right Productivity Equipment

Whether your team works in-office, remotely, or hybrid, they need the right tools to get their work done. Investing in laptops, mobile devices, and the networking equipment that helps your team be productive no matter where they work is essential.

True productivity goes beyond hardware and into the software platforms that maximize efficiency. Today, there’s an increasing focus on collaboration platforms that enable real-time communication and project management. In addition, many companies are turning to software that can help better measure the engagement of remote employees throughout the day to ensure they’re delivering the highest quality of work wherever they’re based. Investing in the right productivity tools can help you get the highest ROI from your organization’s most important asset: its people.
Automate Return-to-Office Solutions

Automate Return-to-Office Solutions

One area which organizations are exploring is return-to-office solutions. While a lot of companies are continuing with a hybrid workforce, for many roles and teams there’s a business case for spending some time in the office. And with those changes, many companies are turning to automation and self-service solutions to enable full office functionality while keeping staff costs in check around security, reception, and other areas.

Transitioning back to the office may mean exploring automated solutions and even redesigning spaces to look different than they did prior to the pandemic. Investing in this area may include creating hybrid conference rooms, enabling solutions such as remote mentoring, employing alerts, and info sharing that make it easier to safely monitor shared spaces when the individual workers rotating through those spaces are on different schedules.
Managed Services

Align Spend to Need with Managed Services

With tighter budgets and leaner staff, every staff hour of work matters significantly. Organizations are turning to managed services to get a handle on important aspects of their office technology, keep costs down, and help their staff focus on high-value activities. A managed service partner brings expertise in a specific area and advanced tools to help “right size” your investments for your needs.

One example is a managed print services program, which assesses your use of ink, paper, and other aspects of printing activities and helps keep costs manageable. Managed services solutions can address everything from network security to end-user device management. The key to managed services is ensuring expert professional oversight while eliminating the need for dedicated full-time staff in specific areas and taking advantage of their insights to identify waste and other challenges.
Workflow Improvements

Speed-up Sales and Increase Customer Satisfaction with Workflow Improvements

What investments can you make that can remove friction from essential processes and improve your customer experience? Workflow improvements can go a long way toward achieving both goals. Investments in the customer experience are in the spotlight this year.

Many organizations are investing in servers, network, security, and software platforms that streamline customer self-service solutions. By empowering customers to do what they want—when and where it’s most convenient for them—you can streamline employee workloads while optimizing the customer experience. Companies are also looking to tools such as website insights suites to provide a holistic view of where customers are encountering challenges and designing new paths to purchase that eliminate friction and frustration.
Network Transformation

Transform Your Network

From your ability to conduct effective remote customer calls to powering the software you rely on to run your business, today’s network speeds touch every aspect of your business. And network speed, security, and reliability are essential to powering the applications and hardware today’s businesses depend on. Investments that transform your business in 2023 will help you keep pace, eliminate downtime, and meet the needs of all stakeholders—from employees to customers.

By upgrading your network to make the most of solutions such as 5G and Wi-Fi 6, you’ll be ready to provide both the speed and security required to deliver optimum productivity and a top customer experience. Network routers, security solutions, and even managed services are prime points of consideration in taking network performance to the next level.

Shore Up Security

Data security and cybersecurity have never been a more critical issue. Security Magazine reports that end-point security, cloud security, incident response, and identity management are top concerns for businesses of all sizes.1

Improving your security impacts the business in multiple ways. Data threats are on the rise, and security breaches are often difficult and expensive to fix. Investments that improve your security posture can have a significant impact on both performance and the bottom line.

The highest impact investments often fall into three categories. The first is technologies that help secure your network and proactively identify or address threats. The second are end-point solutions, such as VPNs and anti-virus software that help protect your employees and their company devices. Finally, investing in a partnership with a security managed services firm can give you access to on-demand cybersecurity talent without requiring the expensive overhead of full-time employees.
Next Steps

Next Steps

Overcome the challenges of a tight budget with a solid plan to make every expenditure count. By focusing on priority categories such as productivity improvements and cybersecurity, your investments can lay the foundation for long-term success while helping you capture an immediate ROI for more significant growth.

Don’t navigate these waters alone. Contact Connection today to speak with an experienced office technology expert who can help develop a customized plan based on your priorities and budget.
1 SC Media, 2023, Survey: Top 2023 Security Priorities are Endpoint, Cloud, Incident Response, and Identity Management